I was very happy to share my thoughts with ResearchLive for their industry vox pops series. Their question? ‘What will be on every insight team’s agenda for 2020?’ Click here to listen to my take. I’d love to find out what you think should be top of the list.
Tag archives: insight
Social Research Association Conference: blurring boundaries & crossing frontiers
I attended the Social Research Association Annual Conference in London recently. As a Market Research Society member, it felt a little like going undercover… but I immediately felt very much at home. And much like the MRS Annual Conference, it was inspiring to be surrounded by so many smart, creative researchers and to spend a …
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Marie on ResearchLive: uncertainty & the insight community
I was delighted that Research Live asked me to contribute to their series of industry vox pops. Their first question was: “How do you think uncertainty – political, social, economic – is impacting the insight community, both clients and agencies?” Click here to hear my comments, and keep an eye out for my client and …
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Presenting at the inaugural MRS Data Analytics Tools & Methodologies Conference
I presented at the MRS Data Analytics Conference last week with my client, Ruth Hinton from Vue Entertainment (Marie & Ruth pictured below) and two colleagues from Bonamy Finch, Stephen Pesarra and Paul Jackson. It really was an excellent conference with so many interesting perspectives on data and analytics. Delighted to be a part of …
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When it comes to great consumer insight, if you’ve got it, flaunt it… my latest piece for Campaign
Smart, forward-thinking brands understand that sharing their best data is a great way to set the agenda and position themselves as voices of authority, writes customer insight and loyalty expert Marie Anderson for Campaign Magazine.
How M&S can guarantee success for its ‘game changing’ loyalty scheme: my piece for Marketing
M&S has launched what it believes is a ‘game changing’ loyalty scheme. Customer insight and loyalty expert, Marie Anderson, has unpicked the areas the retailer needs to focus on to succeed. Recently in Marketing Magazine, I argued retailers needed to innovate to reap the rewards of their loyalty programmes. And lo and behold, up pops …